PUBLIC and RESIDENTIAL SECTOR/ Users and consumers empowerment to reduce energy consumption


EURONET 50/50 and EURONET 50/50 MAX projects


Who needs to act?

The local authority which pays the energy bills (municipality, region…) signs an agreement with the school/other public building on how to implement the 9-step 50/50 methodology and share the savings

Who is affected?

The parties concerned are the municipality, the local energy manager and the building users, that in case of schools are pupils, teachers, the school management team, caretakers, cleaning staff, parent associations, etc.


The methodology implemented in the public building increases energy awareness of the building users and actively involves them in energy-saving actions. Achieved financial savings are shared equally between the building users and the local authority which covers the energy bills. Thus local authority benefit of a reduction in the energy bills and the building users’ efforts are rewarded (50% of saved money is for financing the building’s users own activities).

With 50/50, everyone wins: Users of public buildings are encouraged to save energy and to earn money to put towards their own activities or to invest in improving their facilities; public authorities are able to reduce their energy expenses, and the general public win by reducing atmospheric CO₂ emissions.


Level of investment is very low (~300€/school), therefore such expenses may be incurred interchangeably by both school or municipality according to the agreement signed between parties. Measuring instruments: Electricity meter monitoring, digital thermometer, luxometer, energy meter socket (Only the investment costs are included. The staff costs are excluded. It is assumed that affected people as teachers and local energy managers implement the project).

The investments for the prizes of the schools are paid by the energy savings achieved and the above mentioned initial investments will be probably refunded by the share of the local authority savings making this action a real win/win solution.

In the case to be implemented in other type of building, monitoring system/grid analyzer investment may be higher (~1500-2000 €)

Return of investment

Investments are returned through energy savings; thus, the return of investments is dependent of total energy consumption. Based on our experience, average saving rate is at least 10% of energy consumption. The return period ranges from 3-12 months for an annual electricity expenditure of EUR 20.000.

Other resources to be used

In order to a correct implementation of the 50/50 methodology, guidelines for the different types of building as well as other educational materials and agreement models have been developed and can be downloaded for free at the EURONET 50/50 MAX project website

Available tools

An Energy saving calculation tool has been developed to help assess savings achieved. It’s non-copyrighted and free of charge.

Educational materials on energy savings at schools are available also on:
IUSES project
Carbon detectives project 

Main steps of implementation

A successful 50/50 Project at a school requires will and drive both from the side of the school and from the side of the administration that is paying the energy bills. At the school one or two teachers should be the “engines” of the project. These teachers should have the support of the director of the school.

The nine basic steps for a Successful 50/50 Project:

The first two steps of the proposed methodology are preparatory. The steps 3-9 are carried out by the students, which are supported by the teacher using the material given in this e-pack:

  1. Establish an Energy Team: The energy team consists of one school class, one or two teachers interested in the project and the school caretaker.
  2. The Insider Energy Tour: The insider energy tour is done by the school director, the teachers involved in the project, the school caretaker and a representative of the administration paying the energy bills of the school to assess the situation in the school building.
  3. Theoretical Kick-off in the energy team
  4. Energy Tour: The students get to know the way of the energy into and out of their school.
  5. Making an energy survey at school: Students make an instant and long-time temperature profile and a survey of the use of electricity.
  6. Evaluate the results: Make Solution Proposals
  7. They work out proposals to improve the energy performance of their school – and thus ways to avoid CO2-emissions.
    Tell the School target public: The students work out ways to reach the target persons of the behaviour oriented proposals at the school.
  8. Communicate measures that need small investment: Proposal that are small investment-related measures that can save a lot of energy and can thus make the 50/50-project even more effective.
  9. Use and communicate the money the school gets for its efforts: When project receives its reward – the 50% of the money saved-, the success is communicated at the school and the money is spent.

All docs to apply this methodology can be downloaded in many European languages from the 50/50 PROJECT METHODOLOGY library.

Expected results

Minimum energy savings achieved in each building involved reach 8%.

Financial savings resulting from the implementation of energy efficiency measures are equally shared between buildings’ users and local authorities covering their energy bills: 50% of the savings are returned to building’s users through a financial pay-out and 50% are the net saving of the local authority

Communities of educational and non-educational buildings change their energy behaviour influencing their families and friends to do the same!

Contribution to SEAP & indicators

It contributes as “Other measures in buildings” as set out in the Guidebook on How to develop a SEAP 1.3, edited by the Covenant of Mayors:

POSSIBLE INDICATORS TO MONITOR THE IMPLEMENTATION:  Total energy consumption of Municipal buildings and equipment/facilities as described in pages. 49 and 69 of  the Guidebook on How to develop a SEAP edited by the Covenant of Mayors.

How to integrate in SEAP?

You can find an example factsheet on how to integrate it in the SEAP in the resources box on the right.

Contribution to SUMP & indicators

It contributes to SUMP in all measures involving Energy use and carbon emissions reduction in the city, as well as fostering synergic measures such as pedestrian routes to school, bike lanes for students and teachers, etc.

How to integrate in SUMP?

SUMPs include measures targeting improving quality of air and carbon emissions reductions, as well as promoting more sustainable means of transport to and from urban tertiary facilities such as schools. The Euronet 50/50 idea fits in that area of SUMP.

Lessons learned

Euronet 50/50 max has managed to involve many people in energy savings in public buildings which has generated huge savings. 500 schools of 13 European countries means a great network that during the development of the project learnt a lot about what climate change is and about how they can save energy in their public facilities. And all of us have been learned that:

  • With enthusiasm of teachers, students, managers and users of the building, Euronet 50/50 max goes on!

The 50/50 methodology is a powerful tool to raise awareness on energy use and save energy in public buildings. Euronet 50/50 max enhances the possibilities of public buildings to save energy with just changing behaviours and increases their knowledge and motivation on climate change action. Finding enthusiastic people who want to lead the project, and making sure they have the necessary support the project goes on. Especially when kicking off the initiative a large promotional campaign is to planned to actively involved schools, including the organization of several workshops to present it to the school managers.

  • Co‐responsibility is a key factor to achieve energy savings.

Public buildings need much more motivation and support than schools. In non‐school public buildings, it’s necessary to adapt the methodology according with the objectives and interests of workers and users of the buildings. When we are working with adults sometimes it’s more difficult to maintain the motivation than with young students. But when the organizers of the 50/50 projects can get that, the potential of public facilities to achieve good results is enormous. It’s necessary to have the support, commitment and involvement of local politicians is the starting point for any energy-management project. 

  • Economic incentive has been just incentive, not the main goal!
  • Difficulties to arrive (influence) on regional and national level strategies

Strategic roll‐ out has proven to be difficult to conducts, due to several reasons. Depending on the specific situations in each country or on the kind of each partner, these problems occurred on local, regional and/or national level. Partners as NGOs or universities has more difficulties to reach the targets, they don’t have direct channels and methods to influence strategies. But for public authorities, it was supposed to be easier.

It’s very important ensuring wide dissemination of the 50/50 benefits on the national and regional level to motivate more public authorities to implement 50/50 concept in their buildings.

Contacts & links

Diputación de Huelva (Spain)
+34 959494649

Diputación de Barcelona (Spain)
+34 934022222