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SEAPs (Sustainable Energy Action Plans) and SUMPs (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans) are among the most widespread strategic plans promoted by the European Commission to encourage a more sustainable and inclusive urban development. Indeed, SEAPs and SUMPs have common goals and are bound to influence each other when it comes to their implementation. How can then local authorities avoid duplications, maximize synergies and trigger multiplier effects in their strategic planning processes?
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Electric vehicles (EV) are rapidly spreading in European cities. This entails significant peaks in energy demand that typically do not correspond to peaks in energy production and supply, especially when renewable energy sources (RES) are concerned. How can EV be used to support the grid in effectively responding to energy peaks and to best exploit renewable energy sources?
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Electric vehicles (EV) have revolutionized transport and mobility in Norway with a stunningly rapid growth. How was this made possible? Have an insight on the non-technical measures introduced by the government to support this unprecedented uptake.
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In October 2015 the European Commission launched the new 'Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy', adding adaptation to climate change to the already established objective of CO2 emission reduction. How can cities best upgrade their Sustainable Energy Action Plans into new, integrated and comprehensive Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans?
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The majority of European cities have grown around identifiable centres, that are responsible for a relevant part of urban traffic from/to other urban areas and the hinterlands. That is why effective sustainable mobility policies need to be planned at a Functional Urban Area level. Traffic restriction policies are an effective way to decarbonize urban areas, but should be accompanied by value-added services to reduce the disadvantages they produce and increase their acceptability for stakeholders and citizens. Learn more on how the city of Vicenza (Italy) is successfully dealing with this issue by introducing innovative, low carbon last-mile logistics solutions.
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Antwerp, Madrid and Berlin are at the forefront of sustainable mobility in Europe. Get an insight into some of their most successful achievements, ranging from high-level travel planners to innovative electric mobility solutions and efficient bike sharing systems.